sabato 22 febbraio 2014

Guide to theSamba School in Rio de Janeiro

Samba School in Rio de Janeiro    

This page explains how the Rio samba schools work. It will also tell you how you can go to a samba school night. It gives samba night (rehearsal) details and full addresses of each samba school.

See the ranking of the Rio samba schools
2014 parading order and time-table
The Rio Samba Schools are associations or social clubs, representing a particular neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro in the annual Samba Parade. They are not samba teaching institutions as their name might suggest. The Rio samba schools are at the epicenter of the Carnival culture in Brazil and much of the “samba world” revolves around them.
Their main objective is to prepare for and compete annually in the Samba Parade.
In the final months of preparations before Carnival, they hold samba nights (called rehearsals). These popular dance nights are open to anyone for a small entrance fee and provide entertainment just like night clubs do. The only difference is that you only hear samba music the whole night through, the school's samba song of the year being plaid over and over again to practice the lyrics.

The Rio samba schools are similar to huge football clubs, in many respect. They have a flag, a color-scheme and devoted (usually life-long) supporters. They clearly resemble modern corporate organizations, with several departments, sub-divisions, strategic partnerships and apply strong marketing technics. They have a fan group of enthusiastic supporters, official headquarters, workshops in Samba City and rehearsing samba halls, where followers meet, prepare for the next Carnival's Samba Parade or just spend the night dancing away.

Pracinha Wallace Paes Leme 1025 - Nilópolis
Samba nights: Thursdays 21:00
Colors: blue and white
Established in 1948

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Beija-flor Samba School

Beija flor means humming bird. It is a beloved and omnipresent bird in the Rio region. The school is based on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, in a place called Nilopolis. It is currently ranked the highest among all Rio samba schools. It has achieved the reputation of being the best school by a combination of outstanding and unparalleled artistic organizational management with a strong determination to win. It is the only school with a whole team of Carnival Designers (currently 5 of them) whereas most other schools only have one. It imposes strict rules and has the highest expectations towards all of its parading members. It began its recent winning streak in 1998 and won again in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2011. In recent years, if it didn't win it was very close to it. It is well-known for its creative extravagance and powerful colors.
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Colégio São José, Av. Presidente Kennedy - Duque de Caxias
Samba nights: Fridays 22:00
Colors: red, green and white
Established in 1988

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Samba School Grande Rio
Grande Rio is one of the newest schools, nevertheless currently one of the most successful members of the Special Group. It has come close to winning in all the last 10 years. It is currently ranked the second best among all Rio samba schools. Samba School Grande Rio represents Caxias, a satellite town of Rio de Janeiro. Lots of media celebrities support and parade with them.

Rua Professor Lacê 235 – Ramos
Samba nights: Sundays 20:00
Colors: green, white and gold
Established in 1959

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Imperatriz Samba School
Samba School Imperatriz had its heydays right at the turn of the millennium, winning three times in a row (1999, 2000 and 2001) which is only challenged by the current favorite Beija-Flor. Its success was traditionally due to its technically excellent performances. The School's long-time female Carnival Designer, Rosa Magalhães makes idiosyncratic fairy-tale like artistic creations.

Rua Visconde de Niterói 1072 - Mangueira
Samba nights: Saturdays 22:00
Colors: green and pink
Established in 1928

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Mangueira Samba School
Manguiera is considered as Brazil's most popular samba school due to its old tradition, a very strong support community and the most successful samba hall. It was the winner of the first Samba Parade held in the Sambodromo and has been ranked very high year by year ever since, for its consistently strong performances. It is the oldest among the existing Rio samba schools.

Rua Coronel Tamarindo 38 - Padre Miguel
Samba nights: Saturdays 22:00
Colors: green and white
Established in 1955

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Mocidade Samba School
It is one of the oldest samba schools in Rio de Janeiro, having a long history of over 50 years. It is well-known for its futuristic creations such as having had the one and only flying parader on the Avenue. Similar to some other old schools, like Estácio, Portela and Imperio Serrano, it remains mainly in the Special Group due to its long history. Once it was really famous for its percussionists. However it does not capitalize on its old traditions as successfully as Mangueira does and usually does not even score among the first 6 to be able to parade again on Champions' Saturday.

Rua Clara Nunes 81 – Madureira
Samba nights: Wednesdays 20:00, Fridays 22:00
Colors: blue and white
Established in 1923

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Portela Samba School
Portela is one of the oldest schools despite several name changes in the past. Only its symbol, the eagle, remains unchanged. It is considered to be the oldest Rio samba group, however not the oldest school. Samba school Portela used to be one of the very best schools for a long time running, winning 21 times, an all-time record. However it had somewhat lost its excellence since the 1980s for a long period. It had only managed to remain in the Special Group for years mainly because of its history and fame. However, it has recovered its original glory in the last few years again.

Av. Boulervard, 1.741 – Parque São Vicente – Belford Roxo
Samba nights: Fridays 22:00
Colors: Red, Blue and white
Established in 1993

2014 theme, Samba Song + all school info

Inocentes de Belford Roxo

O Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Inocentes de Belford Roxo foi fundado no dia 11 de julho de 1993. A escola, que sucedeu a Unidos da Matriz, tem entres seus fundadores Luiz de Bastos, Sebastião Quirino, Jairo da Silva, Aristotelina de Oliveira, Abílio Del Rey e Walter Sardinha.
A escola desfila no carnaval carioca desde a sua fundação. Seu primeiro desfile, em 1994, teve como enredo "Alô alô carnaval, taí Carmem Miranda". O primeiro título da Inocentes de Belford Roxo aconteceu no Grupo de Acesso C, em 1998, e, no ano seguinte, foi vice-campeã do Grupo de Acesso B, com o enredo “Viva a Baixada, longos passos do progresso rumo ao Terceiro Milênio”. Em 2000, estreando no Grupo de Acesso, a escola homenageou o município de Petrópolis, obtendo a quinta colocação e a permanência no grupo.

Rua Silva Teles 104 - Tijuca
Samba nights: Saturdays 22:00
Colors: red and white
Established in 1953

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Salgueiro Samba School
Champion of the 2009 Parade. It is a truly elitist school attracting many celebrities. It was originally among the first schools to show-case the achievements of the Afro-Brazilians, in stark contrast to its current middle-class fan club. Salgueiro became really famous in the 1960s for its outstanding samba dance performers. It has a very popular samba hall close to the city center, in one of the safest areas (compared to the other schools based on the hills with slums). Most years, it uses " fire" in its parades, the symbol of the school.

Av. Presidente Vargas 3102 - Centro
Samba nights: Tuesdays 20:00, Saturdays 22:00
Colors: yellow and black
Established in 1961

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Sao Clemente Samba School float
Sao Clemente's main characteristic is its irreverence combined with samba themes that allude to the Brazilians quality of life. In 1984 for example, the samba school brought to the Sambodromo the theme "Don´t run, don´t kill, don´t die: the devil is free in the streets" - referring to the chaos and violence of Rio's streets. In the following year, the school presented the samba "Let's abide in a house!", an entertaining satire about Brazil's serious housing shortage. In 1987, the school broke new grounds, having among its vanguard commission real-life street children, with its year's theme: "Tarmac Skippers", which talked about Rio's street children.

Estrada do Galeão 322 - Ilha do Governador
Samba nights: Tuesdays 20:00, Saturdays 22:00
Colors: blue, red and white
Established in 1953

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Uniao da Ilha do Governador Samba School
Samba School Uniao da Ilha is mainly known for its irreverent themes. It all began when a group of friends, watching their island's (Ilha do Governador) street bands and smaller samba schools, decided that their district should also have a proper samba school to represent them. It had remained among the less significant second and third "class" samba schools for some time until 1974, when it eventually came first in the Access Group. Consequently, in the following year, it could finally participate in the Special Group's Samba Parade. Having produced many great parades and paying special attention to its public relations, the school has turned into one of the Special Group's most likable samba schools. It has taken to the Avenue some frivolous, cheerful and lively parades, which has become the school's hallmark. The school's costumes are usually light, without much metalwork or extension, making the marchers' parade easier. Although it has never been a champion in the Special Group, it has composed one of the most popular samba songs still played and sung today, such as 1977's "Sunday" and "Good, Nice and even Cheap" in 1980. 1982's samba song: "Is today really The day?" became one of the most remembered songs in the Rio Carnival history.

Clube dos Portuários, Av. Francisco Bicalho 47 – São Cristóvão
Samba nights: Fridays and Saturdays 20:00
Colors: yellow and blue
Established in 1931

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Unidos da Tijuca samba school
Unidos da Tijuca is the third oldest Rio samba school. It became noticed again in 2004, as a surprise to everyone, with its creative and innovative artistic work, viewed as controversial by some. It is the school which traditionally pays most homage to Brazil's background as a Portuguese colony. It has been extremely strong in recent years and viewed as the most creative and daring school by many. Its samba hall is very popular easily reachable, and attracts also many gay men.

Av. 28 de Setembro 382 - Vila Isabel
Samba nights: Tuesdays 20:00, Saturdays 22:00
Colors: blue and white
Established in 1946

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Vila Isabel samba school
Vila Isabel is very old school with lots of history and tradition. However it almost went into oblivion not a long time ago. It lingered in the Access Group for a long time until a few years ago when it re-joined the Special Group in 1995 with an astonishing win. After that, in 1996, it hired one of the most energetic, up-and-coming carnival designers and has scored very high again in the last couple of years. It is currently ranked the third best among all Rio samba schools. We also recommend the school's popular and easily accessible samba hall.

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